
Oh, I'm so going to have to change that...

Continue for the scribblings of a slightly (many will beg to differ) mad Englishman with an overactive imagination and nothing to lose (well, not much).

If you get stuck in the quicksand that is the insides of my head, good! Stay there and bask in the euphoria of my insanity.

(Yeesh, sorry, that sounds a bit flat, doesn't it?) Anyway, I hope some of you will be able to immerse yourself in the rubbish that I post.

Bye for now,


Sunday 28 March 2010


So what was it this time?

Battlestar *frakking(!)* Galactica. Oh sure, old as hell, but still good entertainment, even if I want to pummel Gaius' face into a wall. Man, I get through a lot of TV shows... next week, I can guarantee will be Tru Calling, and why? I bought the full series this week and can't watch it yet, since I'm... well BSGing it... (PS I like Grace Park!!)

Anyway, I wanted to include Publius Major's spew about running for consul, but thought better of it, probably seemed a bit meaningless to, and ending it with the words 'death of the Republic' looked interesting. I've done Baecula, just wondering how to do reaction to Upper Baetis...



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