
Oh, I'm so going to have to change that...

Continue for the scribblings of a slightly (many will beg to differ) mad Englishman with an overactive imagination and nothing to lose (well, not much).

If you get stuck in the quicksand that is the insides of my head, good! Stay there and bask in the euphoria of my insanity.

(Yeesh, sorry, that sounds a bit flat, doesn't it?) Anyway, I hope some of you will be able to immerse yourself in the rubbish that I post.

Bye for now,


Monday 15 March 2010

And back to work...

So ends my long weekend (which was obviously not long enough... five days, for crying out loud, though to be fair, I spent a lot of it either asleep or drunk, so no wonder... ha, nearly missed my flight on Saturday because my watched stopped while scything up US Marines - Prototype, very silly game... don't really get how the 'Events' are relevant to the story, but never mind, most of my gaming experience is XP grinding so I'm one to talk *shrug*).

And so, finished Commander this morning... while watching yet more CSI (about forty seconds of music in the season 6 finale... weird but interesting... ended up watching it about half a dozen times... meh). Again, I crushed the ending and now it makes no sense at all... was originally intending to do a character breakdown but got stuck once Renee left (French pronunciation please)... *sigh* So, better than last weeks by quite a bit, but as I warned you... I can't write short stories for shit. *grumble* Practise, then, I suppose...


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