
Oh, I'm so going to have to change that...

Continue for the scribblings of a slightly (many will beg to differ) mad Englishman with an overactive imagination and nothing to lose (well, not much).

If you get stuck in the quicksand that is the insides of my head, good! Stay there and bask in the euphoria of my insanity.

(Yeesh, sorry, that sounds a bit flat, doesn't it?) Anyway, I hope some of you will be able to immerse yourself in the rubbish that I post.

Bye for now,


Tuesday 23 February 2010


It's rather difficult writing about his relationships in human terms... are they brother and sister? Yes and no. Well, same parents? Very difficult to say... *shrug* (just don't want to give out too many spoilers).

Oh yeah, here's a vague one: his wife/partner/whatever is called Kristeva, which is strange 1) because I know little about her beyond being a Bulgarian-French philosopher/critic and 2) the fictional Kristeva above is not human, and probably a casual chemist (haven't decided), but definitely not beyond her fair share of sophistry. And then there's Philidor... though I can't quite imagine him playing the oboe! The chess players are the Lucius and Publius, though! Ha!

Sorry, couldn't get enough of that, still...

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